Tribe of Zevulun

Tribe of Zevulun

Zevulun is Leah's sixth son and Jacob's tenth son. In the Torah, Zevulun's character is not detailed in many events, but he is given a significant description in the blessings of Jacob and Moses. In Jacob's blessing, Zevulun is described as dwelling on the shore, an allusion to his future occupation in commerce and shipping. This blessing portrays Zevulun as a tribe that would specialize in economic and commercial activity, mainly by sea.

Jewish tradition describes a special partnership between the tribes of Zevulun and Issachar, with Zevulun financially supporting Issachar, who is engaged in Torah study. This is a classic example of cooperation between Torah and Labor in Jewish society.


Leah's blessing at birth (Genesis 29)

״And again Leah became with child, and she gave Jacob a sixth son. And she said, God has given me a good bride-price; now at last will I have my husband living with me, for I have given him six sons: and she gave him the name Zebulun.״

Jacob's Blessing (Genesis 49)

״ The resting-place of Zebulun will be by the sea, and he will be a harbour for ships; the edge of his land will be by Zidon.״

The Blessing of Moses (Deuteronomy 33)

 ״And of Zebulun he said, Be glad, Zebulun, in your going out; and, Issachar, in your tents.
They will send out the word for the people to come to the mountain, taking there the offerings of righteousness: for the store of the seas will be theirs, and the secret wealth of the sand.״

  • Father: Jacob
  • Mom: Leah
  • Date of birth: 7 Tishrei
  • Flag: Ship
  • Stone in breastplate: diamond
  • linked colors: light blue, transparent
  • Nachala: Lower GalileeandHaifa area andNahal Kishon
  • Associated month: Sivan
  • Sefirah: Netsah
  • Light: Straight
  • Element: The Air in Fire
  • Side: East with Judah and Issachar
  • Desert Census Quantity: 57,400
  • Day of the week: Friday
  • Creation: Adam
  • Star: Star
  • Letter: - G
  • Attaching the name of being: YHWH YHH
  • sense: gear
  • Psalms: 107
  • Lucky: Gemini
  • Organ: Left leg
  • Home: Attraction

Positive qualities

  • balance
  • Good part, gift
  • Freedom to be who I am
  • Truth Advisors
  • Objectivity
  • Listening
  • fidelity
  • joy
  • Disorientation
  • The wisdom of the road

Negative features

  • contempt
  • Self-repression
  • Feeling of deprivation
  • Emotional eating
  • Difficulty in forming self-identity
  • Sometimes feelings of meaninglessness
  • Nomadic life
  • Lack of expression of emotion

 Spiritual role

The tribe of Zevulun comes to remind every person that he has all the tools to achieve balance in the face of life's upheavals, and to release over-identification. As a classic sandwich boy, Zevulun will always be willing to hear the opinions of others and connect fundamentally different people, and will remain objective and considerate. Zevulun reminds man of his freedom to create, and to move in his life – changing places changes luck. 

 Spiritual correction

Coping with complex emotions: difficulty connecting to the joy of life or to the experiences of life itself, disconnection, as if looking in the mirror but having difficulty seeing their coming. Sometimes they will live "by" life and will be afraid to experiment and diminish its light and mainly reflect to others.

Body perception: Need to move and be in motion , there is a connection to stability and balance.

Issachar and Zevulun are the example of the first barter of the Torah, in which each tribe did what was good at it (Issachar – constantly studying Torah, Zevulun – responsible for making a living). Zevulun, people of the world, mediators, mediators, merchants, politicians and people of computing and science.  Zevulun lived a nomadic life and was usually close to gentiles. Their role is to connect everyone to the finest and highest side of Israel, as if they were a place of connection and anchor (note that both in their blessing and in Benjamin's the word "dwell" is mentioned in the neighbor's tongue).

Communication and mobility: Zevulun was a seafaring tribe, responsible for trade and economy and constant movement. Connected to the nervous system and having a sharp intellect, they have excellent communication with their surroundings but do not appreciate themselves enough.

Relationships: Be practical and purposeful, aspire to marry and establish a home, faithful.

"I am here present in the region of the country and call upon all my ancestors from the tribe of Zevulun to support me. I sail on the waves of consciousness, emotion and thought without identifying myself as a bystander and able to navigate to the desired place. I am researching and searching for the answer at sea. In my life, I absorb and transmit tens of thousands of details that become raw material for my soul."

Mantra for healing: I am pleasantly allowed to be free without dictating or limiting my life






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Jacob's greetings to his sons

Jacob's greetings to his sons

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