11. Tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh)

11. Tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh)

Joseph, the beloved eleventh son of Jacob and the eldest of his mother Rachel, Jacob's beloved wife, was a central and significant figure in the book of Genesis. He was born to Rachel after years of infertility, and was especially loved by his father and was also most similar to his father and his qualities as his father When Joseph was born, Jacob was already given the opportunity to meet his brother Esau, "the house of Joseph Flame and the house of Esau for straw." His prophetic dreams and the striped gown he received from his father aroused the envy of his brothers, who sold him into slavery in Egypt. Despite his many hardships, including slavery and imprisonment, Joseph never lost his faith. Thanks to his wisdom and ability to solve dreams, he rose to prominence and became viceroy of Egypt. Joseph used his position to save his family and Egypt from starvation, and eventually led to the settlement of the Israel in Egypt. His story exemplifies values of faith, forgiveness, and seeing the hand of Providence even in difficult situations.

Ephraim and Manasseh are Joseph's sons, born to him in Egypt, and Jacob's grandchildren. In the Torah, they gain special status when Jacob adopts them as his actual sons, giving them equal status with his other sons. In Jacob's blessing to Joseph, he crosses his hands and blesses young Ephraim before the eldest Manasseh, prophesying that Ephraim will be greater than Manasseh. Since then, the two have become a symbol of children's blessings among the people of Israel. The figures of Ephraim and Manasseh symbolize the continuation of Jacob's dynasty even in Egypt exile, and the ability of Jacob's descendants to maintain their identity even in a foreign environment. They become two separate tribes of Israel people, often referred to together as the "House of Joseph." The name "Joseph" speaks of the element of addition and multiplication, and indeed two tribes emerged from it. With the blessing of Moses, they are described as very powerful and influential.

Greetings Joseph

Rachel's blessing at birth (Genesis 30)

״Then God gave thought to Rachel, and hearing her prayer he made her fertile.
And she was with child, and gave birth to a son: and she said, God has taken away my shame.
And she gave him the name Joseph, saying, May the Lord give me another son״

Jacob's Blessing (Genesis 49)

״Joseph is a young ox, whose steps are turned to the fountain;
He was troubled by the archers; they sent out their arrows against him, cruelly wounding him:
But their bows were broken by a strong one, and the cords of their arms were cut by the Strength of Jacob, by the name of the Stone of Israel: Even by the God of your father, who will be your help, and by the Ruler of all, who will make you full with blessings from heaven on high, blessings of the deep stretched out under the earth, blessings of the breasts and of the fertile body:
Blessings of sons, old and young, to the father: blessings of the oldest mountains and the fruit of the eternal hills: let them come on the head of Joseph, on the crown of him who was separate from his brothers.״

The Blessing of Moses (Deuteronomy 33)

״And of Joseph he said, Let the blessing of the Lord be on his land; for the good things of heaven on high, and the deep waters flowing under the earth,  And the good things of the fruits of thesun, and the good things of the growth of the moons, And the chief things of the oldest mountains, and the good things of the eternal hills, The good things of the earth and all its wealth, the good pleasure of him who was seen in the burning tree: may they come on the head of Joseph, on the head of him who was prince among his brothers.
He is a young ox, glory is his; his horns are the horns of the mountain ox, with which all peoples will be wounded, even to the ends of the earth: they are the ten thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh.״

Tribe of Menashe

Joseph's Blessing (Genesis 41)

"And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh, for the Lord shall change all my labors and all my father's house."

His name symbolizes the consolation Joseph found after all the hardships he went through.

  • Father: Yosef Ben Rachel
  • Mother: Osnat bat Dina daughter of Leah
  • Date of birth: Ayr
  • Logo: Ram
  • Stone in Hoshen: Shoham
  • linked colors: black
  • Settlement: Two settlements, one in the Land of Israel and one in the eastern Transjordan. NorthernSamariaand Transjordan,GolanHeights and Western Bashan (Kingdom of Oog, King of Bashan)
  • Associated month: Cheshon
  • counting: heroism
  • light: repeating
  • Element: The Fire in Water
  • Side: West with Ephraim and Benjamin
  • Desert Census Quantity: 32,200
  • Day of the week: Thursday
  • Creation: Poultry
  • Star: Mars
  • Letter: N
  • Attaching the name of Being: And the LORD YHWH
  • Sense of smell:smell
  • Lucky: Scorpio
  • Psalms: 8
  • Organ: Thin
  • Home : Death

Positive qualities

  • Environmental containment
  • adding, enlarging head
  • Pleasant
  • protection
  • Overcoming
  • Download to reality
  • Ability to forgive the environment
  • Leaving the past behind
  • Holiness from eye level
  • A natural connection to the will of the soul and guidance of others
  • Collaborations
  • Flexibility
  • Sensitivity
  • abundance
  • Healing ability
  • Developed sixth sense
  • Get involved in the details

Negative features

  • Mysterious
  • secrecy
  • Slow
  • Impatience
  • Breaking powers
  • Difficulty learning/studying
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Communication difficulties
  • Addiction to pleasures
  • Tendency to selfishness

Spiritual role

The spiritual role of the tribe of Manasseh focuses on bringing strength through tenderness and sensitivity. As polar holders of water and fire, they embody the balance between assertiveness and sensitivity, bringing to the world a unique kind of inner leadership. Their role is to promote an inclusive emotional discourse that enables growth and deep observation of others. Menashe symbolizes the power of renewal and hope, especially in difficult times. They heal fears of abandonment through their ability to forget the past and focus on the wonder of the present, reminding us of the presence of the Creator even in moments of darkness and loneliness.

With a special talent for fulfillment and realization, Menashe excels in driving projects that require perseverance. They represent the idea of partnership and sharing, strive for reconciliation and harmony. Their spiritual role also includes the ability to collaborate and merge with others, while maintaining their unique identity.

Spiritual correction

Coping with complex emotions: Menashe has 2 sides in the personality of the fire side and the water side, which sometimes leads to a strong desire to share and bring the truth, and on the other hand there is a side that prefers to cut corners and hide information. Another hint of duplication can be seen in their inheritance, they and the only tribe of Dan that received double inheritance. Half Menashe lived on the eastern side of the Jordan River together with Reuven and Gad. According to the simplicity, the reason they received a double inheritance is that they were a very large tribe, but the secret points to another reason. Due to the high degree of faith of the tribe of Manasseh, they were chosen to disperse and remind their brethren to preserve knowledge and holiness. And that is why half the tribe of Menashe did not enter the land either, because their job was to preserve the Torah outside of Israel as well.  Menashe can succeed in positions such as police agents, Shin Bet, psychologists. Actors, comedians, artists, roles that require mobility and movement, or anything that requires a combination of opposing forces.

Career areas in which they are influential: Menashe will always strive to bring themselves and speak their minds even if it provokes disagreement or at a price they perceive as exceptional. They have the power to be in complex environments such as diplomacy, politics, law or in arts and therapy fields such as music, mysticism. They are soul healers on a very deep level. Their correction as belonging to the water element is expressed in two main areas – the ability to remain straight and visible, and secondly hypersensitivity at times and the absence of boundaries that can harm them. They must avoid keeping secrets, resulting in communication challenges.

Attraction to pleasures: Menashe has an attraction to the pleasures of matter and the senses, in dire need of touch and attention from many beauties and are very connected to their bodies and sexuality. Be careful and stay away from black magic and adultery as there is an inner lesson with it. Their mother, Osnat, was the daughter of Dinah and Nablus, whom the angel Gabriel transferred to Egypt to the house of Potiphar, the Egyptian minister (according to the translation of Jonathan ben Uziel), and therefore they have a certain residue of strong pubic strength, for better or for worse.

Protection from jealousy/evil eye: Ben Porat Yosef – a phrase expressing divine protection. The evil eye did not control Joseph. For example, he would ride every Egypt and the girls would throw rings at him to look at, but he would look away. "Ali Ayin": the expression expressing modesty and little contentment. Yosef's eye wanted to feed and enjoy something that didn't belong to her. Yosef was exalted, who, although he ruled every Egypt, sought to live only within his own domain, collected the money and did not make treasures or conceal for himself. He became fragile and a means of providing for the world, and received special providence because he purged himself of all kinds of slags of jealousy.

"I am here present in the region of the country and at every step appeases myself, my family and my body. I forgive myself and others and allow all my parts to be revealed physically and let go of any place I have suppressed or hidden. I know that from a distance I understand myself and am able to return whole to the environment and influence my gifts."

Mantra for healing – I am respected

Tribe of Ephraim

Joseph's Blessing (Genesis 41)

"And the name of the other was called Ephraim, for I prayed God in the land of my poor."

Its name expresses the fertility and prosperity that Joseph gained in Egypt.

  • Father: Yosef Ben Rachel
  • Mother: Osnat bat Dina daughter of Leah
  • Date of birth: Tribe
  • Flag icon: Taurus
  • Stone in Hoshen: Shoham
  • linked colors: black
  • Settlement: Southern Samaria (Ephraim Mountains).
  • Associated month: Tishrei
  • counting: grace
  • light: repeating
  • Element: The Air in Water
  • Side: West with Menashe and Benjamin
  • Desert Census Quantity: 32,200
  • Day of the week: Thursday
  • Creation: Poultry
  • Star: Venus
  • Letter: L
  • Attaching the name of Being: And the LORD YHWH
  • Sense: Usable
  • Lucky: Libra
  • Psalms: 55
  • Organ: bile
  • Home: Usable

Positive qualities

  • Curious
  • adding, enlarging head
  • Researchers
  • Accepting the different
  • Flip every brick until you reach a solution
  • Restrained
  • Retention and protections
  • Adaptability
  • Ability to withstand trials
  • Fast internal pace
  • High transformative abilities (reading thoughts and dreams)
  • Collaborations
  • abundance
  • connection
  • Healing ability
  • Developed sixth sense

Negative features

  • Mysterious
  • Difficulty in calm and inner balance
  • Intolerance
  • Arrogance
  • Attention Disorders
  • Tendency to addictions
  • Aloneness
  • Strange chicken
  • dissatisfaction
  • Tendency to complain a lot

Spiritual role

The spiritual role of the tribe of Ephraim is to lead humanity to a higher level of consciousness. As gatekeepers between the physical and spiritual worlds, they bridge between the earthly ashes and the spiritual "sea," and teach man about his power to create and change his reality. Ephraim was endowed with profound healing abilities, especially in the unconscious and mental realm. They combine creativity and senses in healing, using music, art and groundbreaking insights. They have a sharp intellect and quick thinking, are active, courageous and have excellent analytical ability. Sociable by nature, the Ephraim love to share knowledge and participate in social discourse. They are driven by inner passion and are able to achieve lofty goals when they focus. Their ability to lead change and conquer goals is expressed in the person of Joshua Ben Nun, the great leader who led the conquest of the land.

Spiritual correction

Coping with complex emotions: The tribe of Ephraim is sometimes prone to very large tantrums and impatience. When they do not work on their size, there is a great degree of pride and arrogance in them. Sometimes they panic at their strengths and then become filled with guilt, regret, shame that can damage the lower digestive system and the entire soil system (rectum, colon, legs, etc.). Think of a volcano as a metaphor for this tribe – it can be dormant or active.

Fragmentation and migration: Sometimes you feel that no one understands them even if this is not the case and decide to disconnect from people or isolate yourself. Sometimes it is difficult for them to internalize that other people have a different internal rhythm than they do. It should be remembered that what caused that unfortunate split of the Kingdom of Israel into Judah Israel in 722 AD was the constant quarrels and ego friction between Rehoboam (the tribe of Judah) and Jeroboam ben Nevat (Ephraim) who sought to establish a kingdom of his own. The tribe of Ephraim had a very hard time with that territorial transition of moving the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh to Jerusalem, and it angered them greatly. One of the most important things for Israel future is to settle that reincarnated conflict between Judah and Ephraim, the Messiah of David and the Messiah of Joseph, who will once again work together out of love and unity and acceptance of each other's needs. Ephraim must remember that the solution is unity and not division. There was a tendency after the splits of the kingdoms to "spill over" to idolatry of material, incense, and sacrifices to other gods. Ephraim must learn to love himself and accept his warm and passionate temperament. See the good there. When the members of this tribe do strong inner work, we will all feel it because they radiate very significant energy to the collective field. 

Attitude towards money and career: They understand money and abundance well, but often due to internal wars with themselves lose it. They must learn lessons of humility and tenderness from his brother Manasseh, and together they make up the entire tribe of Joseph. If they do so, they can be very successful in the following areas: stocks and stock exchanges, economics, medical research, systems and project analysis, mechanics, entrepreneurship, management, education, communication, exposing scandals, lawyer and the legal system, journalism, mysticism in all its forms, music.

Escape: There is sometimes an escape to addictions of all kinds, and anything that will quiet the inner rhythm and the constant war. They must learn to communicate the pain outward and thus have less need for mind-alterers wherever they are.

Focus/focus difficulties: The members of the tribe of Ephraim usually have difficulty focusing on one thing. Their name contains a lot of letters from the element of air. As much as they are very connected to reality, there is at the same time the same underground internal fire that constantly seeks to move, to change, to move. They may have many transitions in their lives – not necessarily apartment moves, but internal transitions from subject to subject, spouses, etc. They must adapt tenderness and inner sensitivity to their needs and also learn to nourish themselves with the same living water.

Self-destruction: Ephraim should memorize the sentence: "We don't break the dishes." There is a strong tendency to shatter everything self-destructive if something does not go. If you don't understand it. Deep down, he has everything he needs, and if he gets to undergo the same correction that his father Yosef underwent, he will reach greatness and lead the people Israel spiritual and intellectual leadership.  Efrem is endowed with enormous power when it comes to negotiations (their symbol is 2 bull's horns), to drive projects that require involvement and leadership, they are agile, are not afraid to take difficult decisions and within a few minutes are already familiar with the field and are familiar with the details.

"I am here present in the region of the country and at every step appeases myself, my family and my body. I forgive myself and others and allow all my parts to be revealed physically and let go of any place I have suppressed or hidden. I know that from a distance I understand myself and am able to return whole to the environment and influence my gifts."

Mantra for healing: Accepting my uniqueness

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Jacob's greetings to his sons

Jacob's greetings to his sons

The book of Genesis ends with a series of blessings of Jacob's instructions to his sons, the tribes of Israel. The Torah commentators were faced with the question: What is the essence of blessings? What is the overall message that our forefather Jacob sought to convey to us? Let's look a little at the content of the blessings: Reuben, as the firstborn, deserved to be king. But he was rejected because he was "carbonated as water," meaning that his recklessness might

By Yona Hacohen Sneh